Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day!

Good Morning everyone! Got up around 7:30 this morning, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, It's a Beautiful day! As I was sitting out in my front yard cup of coffee in hand, listening to the birds sing, watching the sun come up and enjoying our garden, especially our roses (I love Roses!) I had to say a little thank you to God for such a beautiful creation. Your'e probably thinking, "what exactly does this have to do with Online Marketing? " Well, I'll tell you, Peace of Mind. Now that I know I won't have to worry where the money is going to come from just to survive from paycheck to paycheck, now that I can look forward to retirement and a secure financial future, yes, there is peace of mind. Now, I can take the time to slow down, smell the Roses (did i tell you i love Roses) and enjoy Life! What a great feeling.

Thanks first to God, from whom we receive ALL good things! I realize that comment may offend some people, but I cannot help but be thankful and i can't divorce my Faith from my Life, to me they are one and the same. Thanks also to the wonderful Home Business Journey my wife and I began almost 9 months ago. Thanks to all my great team, both upline and down. Over the next few days, months, weeks, etc. I will be introducing articles, inspirational and educational, by myself, my mentors and other leaders in our industry. The purpose is to help all of us walk this walk, live this life, and succeed together! Got to go for now, Have a Wonderfully Blessed Day!


Oh, and did I tell you I really love Roses?

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