This outstanding article was written my good friend, Michael Lemm aka FreedomFire, administrator of the Home Based Business Forum, an excellent resource for all Home Business professionals. I highly recommend this forum to those of you striving run a successful business venture. His articles and posts always inspire me, and this one is no exception. I believe we can all benefit from what it teaches.
One of the traits of current television programming is the various series of "reality" shows. While I am not sure how much any of these really depict the "reality" of anyone except a select few, the trend does raise the question:
Are you in touch with your own reality?
Your reality might be that you are where you want to be in life, and you want more of the same. Or at the other end of the spectrum, your reality might be a severe financial hardship that you do not know how you are going to recover from. Or your reality might be somewhere in between these two extremes.
Whatever your reality is, be aware that it is only human nature to want good things and be comfortable. If you don't have that, then that is what you want. If you already have that, then you want more of that. But the REALITY of the situation is, some say, "what it is is what it is, and you cannot do anything about it."
The problem with that picture of reality is that it is the most blatant LIE on the face of the planet. If you do not like where you are in life, then the power to change that is within your grasp. There are rarely any exceptions to this rule, yet people would have you believe otherwise, perhaps only because they themselves have already long ago given up on the dreams and goals they had in their younger years.
The following is a story which I would like to share with you to further drive home this point:
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.
In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see." "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.
Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which are you? Are you the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do you wilt and become soft and lose your strength? Are you the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did you have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have you become hardened and stiff? Does your shell look the same, but on the inside are you bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity?
Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. You can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and learn from them to make your future better.
Your Home Business is what you make it and is a direct reflection of the amount of time and energy you put into it. If you treat it as a hobby, your commission checks will be "hobby sized", but if you are serious about it, then have your seriousness be reflected in your actions.
May we all be coffee!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What Is an Opportunity
I came accross this article on my good friend Josh Bradley's Blog. Josh is CEO of Big Cash Creator, a company who's business is providing Home Business marketers state of the art tools for marketing their business opportunities. I believe this article addresses a valid concern and represents somewhat of a paradigm shift in how we should be marketing our MLM opportunities. Our economy, in deed the whole world's economy is changing drastically. These changes are having a significant effect on how prople approach the whole "work from home" idea. I believe if we can adapt our approach, how we try to "sell" our products and opportunities, these changes can work in our favor. Alan Kuykendall, the author of this particular article seems to agree with this way of thinking. I hope you will benefit as much as I did from reading this article. I cleaned it up a bit gramatically and changed some of the wording to make the article flow a little better, but the author's ideas remain intact. Enjoy!
Once apon a time MLM or Network Marketing companies and direct sales organizations would tell you that their opportunity was something that the average individual could take part in and could become a multimillionaire virtually overnight. The greatest pitch and almost standard tag lines used, were by people who have made and who continue to make millions from this industry. Through the years of network marketing using the internet as it's primary marketing medium, this approach has remained fairly successful!
Why wouldn’t it be? Becoming instantly rich by signing up with a company that everybody else was part of, seemingly making tons of cash, always looks good! As I am writing this article I can remember back to the time when I got the fever for MLM. It was based on the same principle. I was broke and tired of scratching for every dollar just to make ends meet. My rent was late, my family and I ate at home every day and our meals were something of a bore because of the tight budget we were on. It cost me so much money just to keep the 7am.-7pm job at the time as well. Gas, uniforms, insurance, union fees, tools, etc. had to be taken from my check every week and it was amazing what that amount was.
It was that same old “pitch” of getting rich overnight that gave me my original fever and it has not left me to this very day! But in all actuality, did I get rich overnight? No, and just like 75% of all people who come into network marketing, I failed at my first attempt. I did make a few bucks, but not nearly enough to pay for all the products I was buying, let alone enough to allow me to stop working. As I aged through the years, I kept at it with this industry and eventually figured out everything and started to make enough money to finally quit my day job. And from that day forward, I have always worked for myself from my home except for a short 3 year period when I went to work as the Director of Operations of our city’s biggest nutritional MLM networking company. That was 5 yrs ago and now, as everyone knows, I am cofounder of Big Cash Creator, LLC.
My point is, that I did not become rich over night. It took me several attempts, several thousand dollars and almost 2 yrs before I could honestly say that I was one of those persons that could boast about making gazillions. It took hard work, practice and a ton of learning to finally achieve the success that a lot of companies pitch today, that anyone can do it and in a very short time. Now, don’t get me wrong. There ARE individuals out there that have made a ton of money overnight without having any experience whatsoever. And that is the dream of MLM, make no mistake about it! But in this article I would like to suggest to you a change in our marketing strategy, that the opportunity is NOT about making a million bucks over night but is instead about something a little more reasonable, something people can more easily identify with.
At Big Cash Creator, LLC, we pay attention to the economy as well as to what is going on in the world politically and to the general attitude of society. The truth of the matter is that these factors play a very important role in the success of Network Marketing. Success relies solely in the hands of what we call, “The Masses." Most companies out there will tell you that without the masses there could never be a successful multimillion dollar company. If a company is not bringing in tens of thousands of regular people, like you and I, they will ultimately fail. If you ask any leader in any company with the 10K sized down lines, they will tell you that the majority of people in their organizations are simple people with a dream.
Now if we look at any major news network, newspaper or nationally circulated news magazine, a good part of their stories and topics are based on today’s economy and where it is going. Even with the current political change that is about to take place in the United States, the economy is starting to play a major role in that change. And if we dig deeper we will also see that there are quite a few people out there that feel that our economy is only going to worsen before it gets better. These days in America, most people do not see the possibility of being a millionaire in their future. Even though we are telling people that “Anyone Can Become a Millionaire,” more and more people are hesitant about taking anything out of their budget to try it out.
Recently, on CNN news, there was a story by their financial news anchor about how to budget the family income so that it would be possible to keep up with the rising cost of food. Just with the high cost of fuel, they are already predicting that there will be a whopping 37% fewer people traveling this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. With that in mind and with everyone really trying to stretch every dollar they earn, it is only reasonable to assume that more and more people very well may not buy into the whole “Earn a Million Dollars in Your First Month” hype. Only a few years back, statistics show, people would take a chance with a few dollars out of their paycheck or income tax check and take a stab at a Home Business Opportunity and give it their best shot.
Today however, especially if what the financial experts are predicting comes true, we are going to find that people are not going to be willing to take that chance. The truth of the matter is that our society can see through that hype and basically figure out that if anybody could do it, why is our economical outlook so bleak? As I said, I would like to suggest a change in our marketing approach from that of promoting the great opportunity hype to one of selling an opportunity to make a few extra bucks, instead. It is because of our current economical status that I have already started to employ this in my day to day prospecting efforts. I no longer tell my prospects that by joining my opportunity they will become rich like me. Instead, what they really respect and take to heart is, that I tell them this is an opportunity to make some extra cash for the possibility of troubled times ahead.
When I ask someone if they are going to travel this Memorial Day weekend and they tell me that they just can’t afford it, then that is my time to shine. I love to tell my prospects that I won’t lie.. It is not everyone that can be another Donald Trump. But what I can tell them and show them is how they can add an extra 100-200 dollars to their family budget by getting into my opportunity and utilizing the tools that I have. And that folks is GOLD, right now. One of the biggest reasons prospects fail to upgrade in your business is that they simply feel they cannot afford to and are unwilling to take that chance, with the small budget they have now. But the truth of the matter is, with most opportunities today, the average person really can add that extra income to supplement their budget. Who would not want to do that?
When someone tells me they cannot afford to take a camping trip or take the family out to dinner, I will go to great lengths, laying it out on the table for them, how my opportunity can allow them to do just that! And by joining my opportunity they will be able keep everything they are doing for their budget. No chances taken so to say. The thing is, it really is true that people do become extremely wealthy in MLM and by starting out with their only goal being to add more money to the budget to compensate for the small things like gas, food, and entertainment they are presented with the ability to become one of those millionaires, over time, with effort and motivation.
With this concept of creating a smaller opportunity for today’s financially difficult times, we will soon see that these new type of prospects that continue to work for their current employers are actually able to bring in more prospects because of what they are doing. While standing around the company water fountain or copy machine, your new team mate is telling his or her colleagues that he just came back from a weekend long camping trip with the entire family. They will be approached by co-workers who want to know exactly how they could afford such a luxury, working at the same place. And guess what they will offer in response? The same sort of opportunity that you presented.
Yes, anyone can become a zillionaire in this business. But only if they are able to bring in the masses. The masses are not going to take a chance with the current opportunity hype, but they will do almost anything including working 1 or 2 part time jobs just to make ends meet. Remember that gas alone to drive to yet another part time job costs the same as most opportunities cost on a monthly basis. But your opportunity not only provides the freedom of not having to buy gas, it allows people to enjoy the little time they currently have with their present full time job. Which would you prefer? I know that my prospects prefer the comfort of their own home and the ability to spend time with their families and especially going into the woods for a couple of days because it can be afforded!
- Article Written By Alan Kuykendall, C.O.O. and Cofounder, Big Cash Creator, LLC
Once apon a time MLM or Network Marketing companies and direct sales organizations would tell you that their opportunity was something that the average individual could take part in and could become a multimillionaire virtually overnight. The greatest pitch and almost standard tag lines used, were by people who have made and who continue to make millions from this industry. Through the years of network marketing using the internet as it's primary marketing medium, this approach has remained fairly successful!
Why wouldn’t it be? Becoming instantly rich by signing up with a company that everybody else was part of, seemingly making tons of cash, always looks good! As I am writing this article I can remember back to the time when I got the fever for MLM. It was based on the same principle. I was broke and tired of scratching for every dollar just to make ends meet. My rent was late, my family and I ate at home every day and our meals were something of a bore because of the tight budget we were on. It cost me so much money just to keep the 7am.-7pm job at the time as well. Gas, uniforms, insurance, union fees, tools, etc. had to be taken from my check every week and it was amazing what that amount was.
It was that same old “pitch” of getting rich overnight that gave me my original fever and it has not left me to this very day! But in all actuality, did I get rich overnight? No, and just like 75% of all people who come into network marketing, I failed at my first attempt. I did make a few bucks, but not nearly enough to pay for all the products I was buying, let alone enough to allow me to stop working. As I aged through the years, I kept at it with this industry and eventually figured out everything and started to make enough money to finally quit my day job. And from that day forward, I have always worked for myself from my home except for a short 3 year period when I went to work as the Director of Operations of our city’s biggest nutritional MLM networking company. That was 5 yrs ago and now, as everyone knows, I am cofounder of Big Cash Creator, LLC.
My point is, that I did not become rich over night. It took me several attempts, several thousand dollars and almost 2 yrs before I could honestly say that I was one of those persons that could boast about making gazillions. It took hard work, practice and a ton of learning to finally achieve the success that a lot of companies pitch today, that anyone can do it and in a very short time. Now, don’t get me wrong. There ARE individuals out there that have made a ton of money overnight without having any experience whatsoever. And that is the dream of MLM, make no mistake about it! But in this article I would like to suggest to you a change in our marketing strategy, that the opportunity is NOT about making a million bucks over night but is instead about something a little more reasonable, something people can more easily identify with.
At Big Cash Creator, LLC, we pay attention to the economy as well as to what is going on in the world politically and to the general attitude of society. The truth of the matter is that these factors play a very important role in the success of Network Marketing. Success relies solely in the hands of what we call, “The Masses." Most companies out there will tell you that without the masses there could never be a successful multimillion dollar company. If a company is not bringing in tens of thousands of regular people, like you and I, they will ultimately fail. If you ask any leader in any company with the 10K sized down lines, they will tell you that the majority of people in their organizations are simple people with a dream.
Now if we look at any major news network, newspaper or nationally circulated news magazine, a good part of their stories and topics are based on today’s economy and where it is going. Even with the current political change that is about to take place in the United States, the economy is starting to play a major role in that change. And if we dig deeper we will also see that there are quite a few people out there that feel that our economy is only going to worsen before it gets better. These days in America, most people do not see the possibility of being a millionaire in their future. Even though we are telling people that “Anyone Can Become a Millionaire,” more and more people are hesitant about taking anything out of their budget to try it out.
Recently, on CNN news, there was a story by their financial news anchor about how to budget the family income so that it would be possible to keep up with the rising cost of food. Just with the high cost of fuel, they are already predicting that there will be a whopping 37% fewer people traveling this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. With that in mind and with everyone really trying to stretch every dollar they earn, it is only reasonable to assume that more and more people very well may not buy into the whole “Earn a Million Dollars in Your First Month” hype. Only a few years back, statistics show, people would take a chance with a few dollars out of their paycheck or income tax check and take a stab at a Home Business Opportunity and give it their best shot.
Today however, especially if what the financial experts are predicting comes true, we are going to find that people are not going to be willing to take that chance. The truth of the matter is that our society can see through that hype and basically figure out that if anybody could do it, why is our economical outlook so bleak? As I said, I would like to suggest a change in our marketing approach from that of promoting the great opportunity hype to one of selling an opportunity to make a few extra bucks, instead. It is because of our current economical status that I have already started to employ this in my day to day prospecting efforts. I no longer tell my prospects that by joining my opportunity they will become rich like me. Instead, what they really respect and take to heart is, that I tell them this is an opportunity to make some extra cash for the possibility of troubled times ahead.
When I ask someone if they are going to travel this Memorial Day weekend and they tell me that they just can’t afford it, then that is my time to shine. I love to tell my prospects that I won’t lie.. It is not everyone that can be another Donald Trump. But what I can tell them and show them is how they can add an extra 100-200 dollars to their family budget by getting into my opportunity and utilizing the tools that I have. And that folks is GOLD, right now. One of the biggest reasons prospects fail to upgrade in your business is that they simply feel they cannot afford to and are unwilling to take that chance, with the small budget they have now. But the truth of the matter is, with most opportunities today, the average person really can add that extra income to supplement their budget. Who would not want to do that?
When someone tells me they cannot afford to take a camping trip or take the family out to dinner, I will go to great lengths, laying it out on the table for them, how my opportunity can allow them to do just that! And by joining my opportunity they will be able keep everything they are doing for their budget. No chances taken so to say. The thing is, it really is true that people do become extremely wealthy in MLM and by starting out with their only goal being to add more money to the budget to compensate for the small things like gas, food, and entertainment they are presented with the ability to become one of those millionaires, over time, with effort and motivation.
With this concept of creating a smaller opportunity for today’s financially difficult times, we will soon see that these new type of prospects that continue to work for their current employers are actually able to bring in more prospects because of what they are doing. While standing around the company water fountain or copy machine, your new team mate is telling his or her colleagues that he just came back from a weekend long camping trip with the entire family. They will be approached by co-workers who want to know exactly how they could afford such a luxury, working at the same place. And guess what they will offer in response? The same sort of opportunity that you presented.
Yes, anyone can become a zillionaire in this business. But only if they are able to bring in the masses. The masses are not going to take a chance with the current opportunity hype, but they will do almost anything including working 1 or 2 part time jobs just to make ends meet. Remember that gas alone to drive to yet another part time job costs the same as most opportunities cost on a monthly basis. But your opportunity not only provides the freedom of not having to buy gas, it allows people to enjoy the little time they currently have with their present full time job. Which would you prefer? I know that my prospects prefer the comfort of their own home and the ability to spend time with their families and especially going into the woods for a couple of days because it can be afforded!
- Article Written By Alan Kuykendall, C.O.O. and Cofounder, Big Cash Creator, LLC
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"The Inside Secret to Why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work!"
My good friend Michael Lemm, AKA FreedomFire on the popular Home Based Business Forum, and author of Best MLM Resources Blog posted this article on his Blog, back in April. I found it to be both insightful and very educational.
How often do we hear that tired and worn out objection, "MLM is dead, it doesnt work anymore," or some derivative thereof. Here is a very concise and effective way to counter that objection and silence your critic. I hope you all benefit as much from reading this as I did. Enjoy!
Jose Valentin of shared this recently....quite thought provoking. Read, take it to heart, and believe that you ARE in the right place.
Some people believe that network marketing really doesn't work. To put it lightly, they're WRONG. I am going to take the next few minutes to explain to you why network marketing will always work so that the next time someone takes the time to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you explain to them how misinformed they truly are.
Here is why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work:
Even in a strong economy people will ALWAYS need supplemental income:
The truth is most people live pay check to pay check. They aren't able to buy the nice things that they want for themselves and their families. There is and will always be a constant DEMAND for more money. Network marketing is a simple, part time and low risk way for full time workers to fill this need. To put it simply, as long as people need money network marketing will ALWAYS be there to fill that need.
People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they don't enjoy:
Despite what you may think, there are people out there that truly don't enjoy their job. They go to work because they have to and not because they want to. Network marketing offers a promise of true financial freedom. The ability to leave the 9 to 5 working world. This freedom will ALWAYS be to tempting to pass up.
People will ALWAYS want more free time to do with as they please:
Did you know in a past poll conducted by Money magazine that 64% of American men and 68% of American women polled said that if they had a choice between more money and more time off they would choose the time? People covet their free time.
Network marketing offers the promise of working from home and making your own hours. Again, the opportunity to create free time will ALWAYS draw people to network marketing.
As long as people crave time, money and freedom network marketing will ALWAYS exist.
The next time that someone tries to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you know that they couldn't be more wrong.
All you have to is ask your accuser 1 of 3 questions:
Do you want more money?
Do you want freedom from your job?
Do you want more time?
I guarantee they will answer yes to one of these questions. When they do they will have proved exactly why network marketing will always work!
Great Article! I hope you all benefit from it as much as I have.
Guaranteed MLM Success with The Berry Tree
How often do we hear that tired and worn out objection, "MLM is dead, it doesnt work anymore," or some derivative thereof. Here is a very concise and effective way to counter that objection and silence your critic. I hope you all benefit as much from reading this as I did. Enjoy!
Jose Valentin of shared this recently....quite thought provoking. Read, take it to heart, and believe that you ARE in the right place.
Some people believe that network marketing really doesn't work. To put it lightly, they're WRONG. I am going to take the next few minutes to explain to you why network marketing will always work so that the next time someone takes the time to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you explain to them how misinformed they truly are.
Here is why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work:
Even in a strong economy people will ALWAYS need supplemental income:
The truth is most people live pay check to pay check. They aren't able to buy the nice things that they want for themselves and their families. There is and will always be a constant DEMAND for more money. Network marketing is a simple, part time and low risk way for full time workers to fill this need. To put it simply, as long as people need money network marketing will ALWAYS be there to fill that need.
People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they don't enjoy:
Despite what you may think, there are people out there that truly don't enjoy their job. They go to work because they have to and not because they want to. Network marketing offers a promise of true financial freedom. The ability to leave the 9 to 5 working world. This freedom will ALWAYS be to tempting to pass up.
People will ALWAYS want more free time to do with as they please:
Did you know in a past poll conducted by Money magazine that 64% of American men and 68% of American women polled said that if they had a choice between more money and more time off they would choose the time? People covet their free time.
Network marketing offers the promise of working from home and making your own hours. Again, the opportunity to create free time will ALWAYS draw people to network marketing.
As long as people crave time, money and freedom network marketing will ALWAYS exist.
The next time that someone tries to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you know that they couldn't be more wrong.
All you have to is ask your accuser 1 of 3 questions:
Do you want more money?
Do you want freedom from your job?
Do you want more time?
I guarantee they will answer yes to one of these questions. When they do they will have proved exactly why network marketing will always work!
Great Article! I hope you all benefit from it as much as I have.
Guaranteed MLM Success with The Berry Tree
Thursday, June 5, 2008
This Business is About People
I read a great comment in The Work AT Home Forum just the other day. The discussion was about building a successful downline. There were lots of very good comments on the subject. But then I came across this one by Rob and Rayvin Nyte. Simply put, I was blown away! You will be too.
To Quote:
“I don’t like the word Downline. It’s too impersonal. These are people with families, hopes and dreams, with goals for the future, with people who love them. How much do you know about the people dowline from you? Do they have any pets, hobbies, aspirations? We don’t know of any better way to build a successful downline than to build the people who are in it (emphasis mine). Our mentor is right. He never tires of repeating to us, “Build people and you will build your business.” Those words have become a mantra for us. May they help you transform your people as they have helped us.”
You see, we are not in the MLM Business or the Health and Wellness Business. We are not in the Vacation and Travel Business. We are in The People Business! Forget that when dealing with potential customers and business partners and we begin to sound impersonal, pushy, like a salesman. Forget it when we are working with our downline and we lose the ability to lead. Relationships build a successful business, not your product or compensation plan. To quote that silly insurance commercial, “Human Beings, acting Humanly, Brilliant!” But it’s the truth. Treat people with compassion, dignity and respect, become genuinely interested in their needs and concerns, their hopes and aspirations, and they will reward you by purchasing your products. They will reward you by not just joining your opportunity, but by excelling and building your business. Why, because you have made it Their Business as well. You have created a true Joint Venture.
Success in your Home Business isn’t measured by how big a downline you can recruit, or how much product you can sell. It’s not even measured by how much money you make. Those are all important benchmarks, to be sure. But true success, the kind that will build a strong, viable long lasting and profitable business, lies in how well you build people. It lies in how well you are able to help other people succeed, achieve their dreams, live a better life, and so on. If you don’t own a copy of Tim Sales’ Professional Inviter series, I suggest you purchase a copy. I won't benefit one way or the other by your purchasing a copy, but then agan, I will. If we all endeavor to be more professional, more ethical, More Human, we will give this industry a much better image, and likely as not, we will all reap the benefits of that.
In his own insightful way, Tim teaches you how to get in touch, how to connect with your potential customers and business partners. He teaches you how to identify with them and their needs wants and concerns, and sometimes, their pain. You've heard the old addage, "People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!" You can’t get around that one. It's just human nature. You have to know how to Invite people in such a way that they feel invited, not sold. They need to know you care and that you truly want to help them. You lead and build your organization, the same way. "Build People and they will build your business." Simple, but Powerful.
To Quote:
“I don’t like the word Downline. It’s too impersonal. These are people with families, hopes and dreams, with goals for the future, with people who love them. How much do you know about the people dowline from you? Do they have any pets, hobbies, aspirations? We don’t know of any better way to build a successful downline than to build the people who are in it (emphasis mine). Our mentor is right. He never tires of repeating to us, “Build people and you will build your business.” Those words have become a mantra for us. May they help you transform your people as they have helped us.”
You see, we are not in the MLM Business or the Health and Wellness Business. We are not in the Vacation and Travel Business. We are in The People Business! Forget that when dealing with potential customers and business partners and we begin to sound impersonal, pushy, like a salesman. Forget it when we are working with our downline and we lose the ability to lead. Relationships build a successful business, not your product or compensation plan. To quote that silly insurance commercial, “Human Beings, acting Humanly, Brilliant!” But it’s the truth. Treat people with compassion, dignity and respect, become genuinely interested in their needs and concerns, their hopes and aspirations, and they will reward you by purchasing your products. They will reward you by not just joining your opportunity, but by excelling and building your business. Why, because you have made it Their Business as well. You have created a true Joint Venture.
Success in your Home Business isn’t measured by how big a downline you can recruit, or how much product you can sell. It’s not even measured by how much money you make. Those are all important benchmarks, to be sure. But true success, the kind that will build a strong, viable long lasting and profitable business, lies in how well you build people. It lies in how well you are able to help other people succeed, achieve their dreams, live a better life, and so on. If you don’t own a copy of Tim Sales’ Professional Inviter series, I suggest you purchase a copy. I won't benefit one way or the other by your purchasing a copy, but then agan, I will. If we all endeavor to be more professional, more ethical, More Human, we will give this industry a much better image, and likely as not, we will all reap the benefits of that.
In his own insightful way, Tim teaches you how to get in touch, how to connect with your potential customers and business partners. He teaches you how to identify with them and their needs wants and concerns, and sometimes, their pain. You've heard the old addage, "People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!" You can’t get around that one. It's just human nature. You have to know how to Invite people in such a way that they feel invited, not sold. They need to know you care and that you truly want to help them. You lead and build your organization, the same way. "Build People and they will build your business." Simple, but Powerful.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
It's a Beautiful Day!
Good Morning everyone! Got up around 7:30 this morning, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, It's a Beautiful day! As I was sitting out in my front yard cup of coffee in hand, listening to the birds sing, watching the sun come up and enjoying our garden, especially our roses (I love Roses!) I had to say a little thank you to God for such a beautiful creation. Your'e probably thinking, "what exactly does this have to do with Online Marketing? " Well, I'll tell you, Peace of Mind. Now that I know I won't have to worry where the money is going to come from just to survive from paycheck to paycheck, now that I can look forward to retirement and a secure financial future, yes, there is peace of mind. Now, I can take the time to slow down, smell the Roses (did i tell you i love Roses) and enjoy Life! What a great feeling.
Thanks first to God, from whom we receive ALL good things! I realize that comment may offend some people, but I cannot help but be thankful and i can't divorce my Faith from my Life, to me they are one and the same. Thanks also to the wonderful Home Business Journey my wife and I began almost 9 months ago. Thanks to all my great team, both upline and down. Over the next few days, months, weeks, etc. I will be introducing articles, inspirational and educational, by myself, my mentors and other leaders in our industry. The purpose is to help all of us walk this walk, live this life, and succeed together! Got to go for now, Have a Wonderfully Blessed Day!
Oh, and did I tell you I really love Roses?
Thanks first to God, from whom we receive ALL good things! I realize that comment may offend some people, but I cannot help but be thankful and i can't divorce my Faith from my Life, to me they are one and the same. Thanks also to the wonderful Home Business Journey my wife and I began almost 9 months ago. Thanks to all my great team, both upline and down. Over the next few days, months, weeks, etc. I will be introducing articles, inspirational and educational, by myself, my mentors and other leaders in our industry. The purpose is to help all of us walk this walk, live this life, and succeed together! Got to go for now, Have a Wonderfully Blessed Day!
Oh, and did I tell you I really love Roses?
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