In my last post I talked about require vs. recruit and how important it is to recognize whether or not the person you are talking to has the drive, ambition, work ethic, interpersonal skills, etc., necessary to be an asset to your business. But how does the average network marketer go about dong this? Most of us are not professional business people and have little or no interviewing experience. Well, you may not be a professional, but you DO recognize when someone is truly interested in what you have to say. If they are hungry for the information and they're serious about wanting to change their life, you'll know it.
LISTEN to them, pay as much attention to how they talk to you as to what they say. Do they sound excited or do they speak in such a way as to make you prefer watching paint dry? Do they ask good questions or are they just full of excuses and negativity. I despise being around negative people. They just draw you into their own miserable way of looking at the world and then they suck the life out of you! Avoid negative people at all cost!
Next, are you able to "connect" with them, establish a rapport? This is very important if you're going to be working with them as a team. Are they successful at what they do for a living? That speaks volumes to me! I want those people. Now, some people due to circumstances beyond their control may be out of work, company layoffs, downsizing, etc. It doesn't mean they're not successful. They've just had a run of bad luck. You can tell if you are talking to someone like that vs. someone who is just lazy, has no drive or work ethic. But again, you HAVE to LISTEN.
After you've gone through the interview process and weeded out the people that just don't "feel" right and you think you just might have a good candidate for your business, you need to find out just how committed they are, how serious they are about changing their life. And you need to know if they will be teachable. There are a couple of very easy steps you can require of them, to determine this.
Step one, ask them to visit your team website and attach a time frame to it, preferably the same day. Then, set a follow up time with them either later that day or at the very latest, within 24 hours. When you call to follow up, they should have done this. If they have not, barring some kind of emergency, and I do mean emergency, not just because they were too busy (remember, no excuses) you should begin to question whether or not you want them on your team. It's not that difficult a task to accomplish, to take 15 minutes out of their life and visit your website. If they are truly interested, they will.
Step two, ask them to get on your team's next opportunity call and then set another follow up for immediately after the call. Our team has a call every weeknight and three times on Saturday. There's NO excuse for someone not being able to do this. If they do, you are well on the way to knowing how determined they are. If not, again barring any emergency, thank them for their time and let them go. Trust me, if they cannot do these two simple steps, they are not very motivated or committed to changing their life and you don't want them on your team. This may sound a bit harsh but the success of your business and your fellow team mates depends on it! So once again I say, don't just recruit, REQUIRE!
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Great blog Mitch! So many people have been put into unfortunate situations; lay-offs, downsizing, etc, and are looking for a solution. Well, they can find their solution with the Presidential Group of TVI. However, they need to make sure that they will contribute to the team, as a whole. TEAM WORK!!! If they are able to do their due diligence, this is the right opportunity for them!
Great blog Mitch! Alot of people are looking for a way to earn money. TVI presidential group North America is the answer to their dreams
Great post Mitch!
I learned the hard way the old saying "A person convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still" the hard way.
The people we talk to need to have that "millionaire mindset"; if they don't then walk away. Learn how to say "next"!
Hi Mitch you are definately right, require AND qualify is a must for any business to be successful, that is why our TVI Presidential Group is leading the way and growing successfully and will continue to for those that are seriously motivated, ready for an amazing journey and who have an eye on the prize. Job well said on your post!
I love the 2 steps you wrote about after weeding out the tire kickers. Great job, Mitch.
Another Great article, Mitch. Some people's "Fear of lose" is sometimes greater than the "Desire for Gain" - so if they are not answering your questions to your satisfaction and you do a "Take away" by saying something like, "maybe this business isn't for you." They may just deside that they DO WANT it and change thier tune. You definitely want to be the "Interviewer" because you are the one with the DEAL and they are the one that NEEDS it.
Very informative post Mitch.
I really like how you gave people the steps they need to take to change their life!
Now is the time to take action!
We would love to have you JOIN our team today!
Well said Mitch. It is with team members like you who are willing to share your knowledge that makes this team so strong. Being selective and offering this opportunity to people who are like minded and want to succeed is going to guarantee the success we are having in TVI Presidential Group.
Mitch, your post is perfect. It bring me back to the saying "we have two ears and one mouth for a reason!". We should always listen more than we speak. This truly helps us to discover who we want to work and succeed with. Great reminder. And after we find folks to help, the TVI Presidential Group will help us all to excel!
Wonderful job Mitch. Finding those that are committed and wanting to work in a team effort is key. For people looking for unlimited earning potential and the will to succeed, this is a great opportunity.
Breat blog, I've become a follower!
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you’ve got great elements there and I do like how you encourage the readers to take the time to think.
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Just as the gods used WWII to justify an influx of new technologies, including the voice in your head, so will they use the impending pestilence which kills over half the world's population to justify historical medical advances, including the "cure of aging", initiating the "1000 years with Jesus on Earth", despite biotechnology already accomplishing these goals.
We've seen this tactic used recently with AIDS, targetted at homosexuals and blacks in Africa with the biotechnology product. The gods control everything on Earth, and althugh sold AIDS to your enemies as revenge, their real purpose was to enlighten you regarding sex:::Back-handed help. It was very effective with homosexuals in the USA, but sex is among the most powerful temptations with Africans. Remeber it is always the gods:::Slavery, AIDS, drive-bys, crack babies, pimps prostituting 10 year-old girls. And, contrary to your belief the victim doesn't go anywhere, they are reincarnated back to Earth like everyone else when we die.
Then, as promised, The End will come with fire::::Global tectonic subduction.
There was a very real perception that bi-racial was much worse for the white than it was for the person of color. The liberal culture, which was designed and promoted with the god's tools to achieve their Apocalyptic goals, screamed racism when there was a very reasonable explanation for this reality::::
In this white punishment known as the United States the person of color has already adopted the disfavors/temptations intended for another race. But by associating/mating with a person of color the white is newly adopting the disfavors of another culture.
And this is the reason why people of color are not welcome in the United States. The gods control everything:::The perception they want to create, the thoughts they want you to have.
People of color can't recover from absorbing the temptations from two cultures. And why they become more and more like so many blacks in America:::Veterans at absorbing the temptations of two cultures.
To further illustrate this is why California's educational system/funding was ranked #1 when California was white:::Education being the basis of the affluent economic system. Now even public higher education has become unaffordable.
Don't forget the lessons the 'ole white preacher taught:::Dancing is a sin, spare the rod spoil the child.
The gods used the liberal tool to ridicule away so many taboos, paving the way for the decay of society and ultimately the End Times::::::
Black behavior was controlled by the KKK. Men's behavior was controlled by marriage for thousands of years.
When married by 15 men never gained the taste of promiscuity. Once the gods used the budding liberalism tool the men set the tone for the deteriorating enviornment centered around their gross disfavor.
Women's relinquishing control of pre-arranged marriage will be what costs mankind everything in The End. It's all their fault. Men are pigs, essentially just primally responsive disfavored beings who if given the freedom will abuse based on the impulses the god's push them into. Whereas under pre-arranged marriage this behavior was contained now the promiscuous fraternity house epitomizes the pinnicle of what a "real man" should be like. And sadly the women fall into line.
The gods behave monsterously in the course of managing Planet Earth but they demand people be good if you are to have a chance to ascend in a future life.
Not only is doing the right things important (praying, attoning for your sins, thinking the right way:::accepting humility, modesty, vulnerability), so is avoiding the wrong things important as well:::"Go and sin no more".
You NEED active parents who share wisdom to have a real chance to ascend into heaven in a future life, and you MUST be a good parent as well to have that opportunity. Once your children have been raised something changes, something has been decided about you. This is exactly that.
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