Until a little more than a year ago when The Berry Tree came into being, MLM had always been done one way. Sure, there were many variations on a theme, but when you brought it down to the basic nuts and bolts, the formula was the same. A company existed to move products or services from manufacturer to end consumer via a network of distributors who could earn commisions selling the product or service and could also earn a percentage of the commisions generated by distributors signed up under them, their downline. This is a great concept that has stood the test of time. Sure, MLM has it's detractors, anything of value always will, but the industry continues to thrive, none the less. The MLM business model is taught in university business schools, everywhere. It is here to stay. But it can be done better, and with The Berry Tree, it is.
The Berry Tree added a new dimension to MLM, the concept of profit sharing bonus pools. Basically put, stay with the business long enough and a distributor qualifies to begin earning a small percentage on the entire Berry Tree company. That means people who joined before them and everyone who comes in after. They do this by issuing Berry Member Credits, one half credit earned for every month a distributor remains an active member in the company. Once a distributor accumulates 10 credits, they qualify for The Bronze Bonus Pool, the first of many such pools. The Berry Tree pays out an equal percentage on every active member in the company to every distributor that has qualified for this pool. This payout occurs again at the next bonus pool and the next, and so on. The longer one stays in the business, the more pools they can qualify for.
This is a brilliant concept and a huge improvement on the basic MLM model and it places The Berry Tree squarely in the drivers' seat when it comes to selling a business opportunity to the average Joe. Combine this with their powerful 2 leg compensation matrix that forces massive spillover to downline distributors, helping them build their business and pays 12 levels deep, even deeper with leadership incentives, their fast start bonus that pays up to 5 levels for three months on newly sponsored downline and their numerous other incentive bonuses and you have a true winner. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to join. The Berry Tree membership is $50.00 a month, that's all. Members don't have to keep spending more and more of their own money to qualify for higher commission levels, as is the case in many MLM's. Those higher commision levels are gained by group volume and time spent in the business. Again, Brilliant!
Simply put, The Berry Tree does it better. There is enough fast start money and incentive bonus money to enable anyone to join this business, have their costs covered and even be making some money their first month. The two reasons people fail and quit MLM are first, no support from the company and/or their upline and second, they don't make any money. The Berry Tree has solved those two problems by putting a system in place that builds success and enables the average person to make money, a little money in the beginning and lot of money over time. No, The Berry Tree is not one of those get rich quick schemes. They don't work. The Berry Tree does. This business is designed for the long haul, to produce a lifetime of passive residual income. Yes, The Berry Tree is truly a brilliant idea whose time has come.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Berry Tree, A Brilliant Idea Whose Time Has Come
Berry Tree,
The Berry Tree
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Yes it is Brilliant! Triple your money back guanatee, profit sharing, and a Fifty Buck a month business, 'comon, it's almost not even fair! If someone can't make money with this business, they can't make money with ANYTHING! I posted a coment on your BT Scam article also. Great work!
I found your blog on one of the forums. I was a bit skeptical of The Berry Tree. You have convinced me to take a deeper look. I will get back with the person who showed it to me. Thanks for your help.
Bob B.
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