BTStartFree is the brain child of two brothers, Art and Rob Phelps of Massapequa, New York and their marketing partners, the father and son team of Bob and Blair Bremner of Mechanicsville, Virginia. The Berry Tree, the up and coming Health and Wellness MLM conceived of by this team came into being in March of 2007, went into a six month pre-launch period in which all the kinks were being worked out of the system and then into a full launch in September of the same year. Since that quiet beginning they have done something like Three Million Dollars in sales while putting together what is becoming recognized as perhaps the most powerful home based business opportunity of our time. It certainly has worked out well for this husband and wife team. So, what is this BTStartFree, and how does it work?
In a nutshell, BTStarFree is a program that allows someone to test drive The Berry Tree business free for one month, paying only shipping cost of $4.95 for the company to send them some product samples to try. What a brilliant idea! There are any number of home business opportunities for people to chose from these days, some better and some worse, some legitimate and some that are nothing but scams. The Berry Tree knows this, so to help people decide whether or not this business is right for them, the BTStartFree program was conceived. For about the same cost as a cup of coffee at Starbucks, a person can get started in their own home business, access all the training materials, see how everything works, try the product and then make an educated decision as to whether they want to continue. If they decide they want to do so, they simply upgrade to a full member, a $49.95 per month commitment, and they are already well on their way. If, on the other hand, they decide it's not for them, they can simply cancel and never pay another dime.
This is a great way for the average person with limited financial resources to get started in a business and begin building toward a life of freedom and financial independence. With a solid national and international advertising campaign, BTStartFree can be seen in any number of home business related magazines, numerous incentives and fast start bonuses and an upcoming TV Informercial on The Berry Tree, momentum is building rapidly. More and more people are coming on board every day. The Berry Tree has leveled the playing field and is poised for massive growth which will make it one of the top income producing MLM's in the very near future. If you want to learn more, how you can take advantage of this MLM revolution, click BTStartFree and take advantage of the free trial offer. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
How to Start a Successful Home Business
With the economy seemingly coming apart at the seams, families everywhere are struggling to make ends meet. They are finding themselves more often than not, in need of extra income just to get by. Many of them are choosing to start a home business, rather than to look for a second job. This makes sense just considering the cost of gas, alone but as with any new venture in life, there is risk involved. How does the average person with no business background know how to start a home business and a successful home business at that? An in depth treatise on the subject would be difficult to tackle in one article and would probably bore the reader to tears in the process. However, there are a few basic principles that will help the aspiring entrepreneur get started in the right direction. Volumes have been written on how to succeed in business. That is not the purpose of this piece. The focus here is on getting started. Think of this article as "How to Start a Successful Home Business 101."
First, you need to determine your business niche. What interests you, what are you passionate about? Is it Golf, health and wellness, teaching a musical instrument, what interests you? You will be far more likely to succeed if your business is in a niche that you have an interest in and can have fun with. Second, there are lots of business models to chose from, such as MLM, direct sales, an online store, owning a booth at the local flea market, and so on. Some business models will be dictated by the niche you chose or how much money you want to make. Other than that, you're really only limited by your own creativity. So, in order to know how to start a home business you first have to know your niche and decide on what for you will be a successful home business model. The main point here is you need to like what you're doing and you need to have fun. It's important that you enjoy what you are doing, otherwise all you will accomplish is to take on another job and what's the fun in that?
Once you have decided on your niche and your business model, you need to do some research. There will be steps to take depending upon what you will be doing. If you want to own an eBay store, you will need to learn how to go about setting up and running the store, what products you will be selling, items from around the house or from yard sales or will you be working with a drop shipper, etc. If you want to teach guitar or piano, you will need a studio. This can be a room in your house or you can go to your students' homes to teach. My point is, there will be steps to plan out and in order to start a successful home business you need to go through that planning process, carefully and thoroughly. Many people like MLM's because they are typically a turn-key business with systems and tools already in place. All you have to do is plug in and you're on your way. But be careful, here. Chose an MLM wisely, products, compensation plan, marketability, and so forth. Another consideration is who you are signing up with. This person is going to be your mentor, you will need to be able to work with them. I personally like MLM, it's a proven and very successful home business model and can generate enormous amounts of money if it's with marketable products and a good company.
Lastly, your goal is to start a home business, not a hobby. You need to be passionate about it and treat it like a business or you will not be successful. You will only succeed to the degree that you apply yourself to the tools, the systems, the training and to the degree that you have passion and a business mindset. It can be tempting to not take this seriously but to do so is a recipe for failure. When the going gets tough, a hobby is much easier to quit than a business because a business carries with it a sense of ownership. Yes, have fun, by all means, have fun, but at the same time give your business the mental and physical energy it deserves. So, have a business mindset and remember why it was that you started it in the first place. I call this remembering your "why." If your why is powerful enough, and you stay focused on it at all times, you will succeed, no matter what obstacles come your way. This is how to start a successful home business, one that will provide you and your family with the income you need to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve.
First, you need to determine your business niche. What interests you, what are you passionate about? Is it Golf, health and wellness, teaching a musical instrument, what interests you? You will be far more likely to succeed if your business is in a niche that you have an interest in and can have fun with. Second, there are lots of business models to chose from, such as MLM, direct sales, an online store, owning a booth at the local flea market, and so on. Some business models will be dictated by the niche you chose or how much money you want to make. Other than that, you're really only limited by your own creativity. So, in order to know how to start a home business you first have to know your niche and decide on what for you will be a successful home business model. The main point here is you need to like what you're doing and you need to have fun. It's important that you enjoy what you are doing, otherwise all you will accomplish is to take on another job and what's the fun in that?
Once you have decided on your niche and your business model, you need to do some research. There will be steps to take depending upon what you will be doing. If you want to own an eBay store, you will need to learn how to go about setting up and running the store, what products you will be selling, items from around the house or from yard sales or will you be working with a drop shipper, etc. If you want to teach guitar or piano, you will need a studio. This can be a room in your house or you can go to your students' homes to teach. My point is, there will be steps to plan out and in order to start a successful home business you need to go through that planning process, carefully and thoroughly. Many people like MLM's because they are typically a turn-key business with systems and tools already in place. All you have to do is plug in and you're on your way. But be careful, here. Chose an MLM wisely, products, compensation plan, marketability, and so forth. Another consideration is who you are signing up with. This person is going to be your mentor, you will need to be able to work with them. I personally like MLM, it's a proven and very successful home business model and can generate enormous amounts of money if it's with marketable products and a good company.
Lastly, your goal is to start a home business, not a hobby. You need to be passionate about it and treat it like a business or you will not be successful. You will only succeed to the degree that you apply yourself to the tools, the systems, the training and to the degree that you have passion and a business mindset. It can be tempting to not take this seriously but to do so is a recipe for failure. When the going gets tough, a hobby is much easier to quit than a business because a business carries with it a sense of ownership. Yes, have fun, by all means, have fun, but at the same time give your business the mental and physical energy it deserves. So, have a business mindset and remember why it was that you started it in the first place. I call this remembering your "why." If your why is powerful enough, and you stay focused on it at all times, you will succeed, no matter what obstacles come your way. This is how to start a successful home business, one that will provide you and your family with the income you need to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Berry Tree, A Brilliant Idea Whose Time Has Come
Until a little more than a year ago when The Berry Tree came into being, MLM had always been done one way. Sure, there were many variations on a theme, but when you brought it down to the basic nuts and bolts, the formula was the same. A company existed to move products or services from manufacturer to end consumer via a network of distributors who could earn commisions selling the product or service and could also earn a percentage of the commisions generated by distributors signed up under them, their downline. This is a great concept that has stood the test of time. Sure, MLM has it's detractors, anything of value always will, but the industry continues to thrive, none the less. The MLM business model is taught in university business schools, everywhere. It is here to stay. But it can be done better, and with The Berry Tree, it is.
The Berry Tree added a new dimension to MLM, the concept of profit sharing bonus pools. Basically put, stay with the business long enough and a distributor qualifies to begin earning a small percentage on the entire Berry Tree company. That means people who joined before them and everyone who comes in after. They do this by issuing Berry Member Credits, one half credit earned for every month a distributor remains an active member in the company. Once a distributor accumulates 10 credits, they qualify for The Bronze Bonus Pool, the first of many such pools. The Berry Tree pays out an equal percentage on every active member in the company to every distributor that has qualified for this pool. This payout occurs again at the next bonus pool and the next, and so on. The longer one stays in the business, the more pools they can qualify for.
This is a brilliant concept and a huge improvement on the basic MLM model and it places The Berry Tree squarely in the drivers' seat when it comes to selling a business opportunity to the average Joe. Combine this with their powerful 2 leg compensation matrix that forces massive spillover to downline distributors, helping them build their business and pays 12 levels deep, even deeper with leadership incentives, their fast start bonus that pays up to 5 levels for three months on newly sponsored downline and their numerous other incentive bonuses and you have a true winner. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to join. The Berry Tree membership is $50.00 a month, that's all. Members don't have to keep spending more and more of their own money to qualify for higher commission levels, as is the case in many MLM's. Those higher commision levels are gained by group volume and time spent in the business. Again, Brilliant!
Simply put, The Berry Tree does it better. There is enough fast start money and incentive bonus money to enable anyone to join this business, have their costs covered and even be making some money their first month. The two reasons people fail and quit MLM are first, no support from the company and/or their upline and second, they don't make any money. The Berry Tree has solved those two problems by putting a system in place that builds success and enables the average person to make money, a little money in the beginning and lot of money over time. No, The Berry Tree is not one of those get rich quick schemes. They don't work. The Berry Tree does. This business is designed for the long haul, to produce a lifetime of passive residual income. Yes, The Berry Tree is truly a brilliant idea whose time has come.
The Berry Tree added a new dimension to MLM, the concept of profit sharing bonus pools. Basically put, stay with the business long enough and a distributor qualifies to begin earning a small percentage on the entire Berry Tree company. That means people who joined before them and everyone who comes in after. They do this by issuing Berry Member Credits, one half credit earned for every month a distributor remains an active member in the company. Once a distributor accumulates 10 credits, they qualify for The Bronze Bonus Pool, the first of many such pools. The Berry Tree pays out an equal percentage on every active member in the company to every distributor that has qualified for this pool. This payout occurs again at the next bonus pool and the next, and so on. The longer one stays in the business, the more pools they can qualify for.
This is a brilliant concept and a huge improvement on the basic MLM model and it places The Berry Tree squarely in the drivers' seat when it comes to selling a business opportunity to the average Joe. Combine this with their powerful 2 leg compensation matrix that forces massive spillover to downline distributors, helping them build their business and pays 12 levels deep, even deeper with leadership incentives, their fast start bonus that pays up to 5 levels for three months on newly sponsored downline and their numerous other incentive bonuses and you have a true winner. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to join. The Berry Tree membership is $50.00 a month, that's all. Members don't have to keep spending more and more of their own money to qualify for higher commission levels, as is the case in many MLM's. Those higher commision levels are gained by group volume and time spent in the business. Again, Brilliant!
Simply put, The Berry Tree does it better. There is enough fast start money and incentive bonus money to enable anyone to join this business, have their costs covered and even be making some money their first month. The two reasons people fail and quit MLM are first, no support from the company and/or their upline and second, they don't make any money. The Berry Tree has solved those two problems by putting a system in place that builds success and enables the average person to make money, a little money in the beginning and lot of money over time. No, The Berry Tree is not one of those get rich quick schemes. They don't work. The Berry Tree does. This business is designed for the long haul, to produce a lifetime of passive residual income. Yes, The Berry Tree is truly a brilliant idea whose time has come.
Berry Tree,
The Berry Tree
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Save A Child
In Africa, 3,000 children a day die from Malaria. This is a terrible crisis! If there were a way you, the average person could do something to help make a difference, would you chose to do so? Well, there is such a way. Nutronix International in partnership with the Save A Child campaign is doing something wonderful. Their Colloidal Silver Solution has been proven to be effective against the parasite that causes this deadly disease. It has been tested in clinics in Ghana, West Africa and it works. Children are being cured and lives are being saved!
Nutronix International has decided to take a proactive stance in the fight for the lives and the health of these children, to work to bring an end to the death toll caused by this maleficent killer. For every 4 ounce bottle of Colloidal Silver Solution purchased to be sent to Africa to treat the children, Nutronix will match it with an additional bottle, so that two bottles are sent with each order. Those of you who know me, know that I am a Pediatric Respiratory Therapist. My professonal life has been dedicated to helping peole, especially children. To be part of an organization that embraces that same mission is a source of great pride to me. Malaria is not only a crisis in Africa, but in much of the world. Nutronix will be expanding this Save A Child campaign to other nations as well, in the near future.
Everyone reading this article is invited to become part of this life saving work. Simply click to go to my Nutronix page. Once there, click on the products tab, then click on the Save A Child link and place your order. It will cost you $15.00 if you want a T-Shirt and $10.00 if you don't. I will not make one cent in profit from this order. My only motive is to support the fight for the lives of innocent children who have done nothing to deserve such a terrible fate. Will you join me? I hope you will. The children deserve a fighting chance. Together, we can give it to them.
Nutronix International has decided to take a proactive stance in the fight for the lives and the health of these children, to work to bring an end to the death toll caused by this maleficent killer. For every 4 ounce bottle of Colloidal Silver Solution purchased to be sent to Africa to treat the children, Nutronix will match it with an additional bottle, so that two bottles are sent with each order. Those of you who know me, know that I am a Pediatric Respiratory Therapist. My professonal life has been dedicated to helping peole, especially children. To be part of an organization that embraces that same mission is a source of great pride to me. Malaria is not only a crisis in Africa, but in much of the world. Nutronix will be expanding this Save A Child campaign to other nations as well, in the near future.
Everyone reading this article is invited to become part of this life saving work. Simply click to go to my Nutronix page. Once there, click on the products tab, then click on the Save A Child link and place your order. It will cost you $15.00 if you want a T-Shirt and $10.00 if you don't. I will not make one cent in profit from this order. My only motive is to support the fight for the lives of innocent children who have done nothing to deserve such a terrible fate. Will you join me? I hope you will. The children deserve a fighting chance. Together, we can give it to them.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Colloidal Silver Solution The Natural Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Wonder
We live in an age when disease causing pathogens are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotic therapy. Many of these diseases are becoming serious killers, such as MRSA or Methicillin Resistant Stapylococcus Aureus, VRE or Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus, and Mycobacterium or Tuberculosis. Resistance is the ability of a microorganism to withstand the effects of antibiotics. This resistance comes about in nature via the process of natural selection but it can also occur when "evolutionary" stress is applied to a given microorganism population as with the overuse or misuse of antibiotic therapy.
The result is an increase in the number of organisms becoming resistant, some of them to more than one antibiotic. These are the so called "Superbugs." Additionally, the stronger and more powerful antibiotics used to kill these "superbugs" can have unwanted side effects in the human population. In some cases those side effects can be as harmful as the disease being treated. There is a solution to the problem that is all but ignored by modern medicine, especially in the United States. This solution is beginning to gain world wide popularity, however, especially in the holistic health and alternative medicine communities and in countries with less bureaucracy to stop the advance of natural, non drug related therapies. That solution is the use of Colloidal Silver Solution, a true natural antibiotic.
Colloidal Silver Solution is a liquid suspension of microscopic particles of silver, colliodal meaning particles which remain in suspension without forming a dissolved or ionic solution. Colloidal silver is a known powerful antimicrobial agent. Concentrations of 5 parts per million have been found to kill numerous infectious bacteria. It's mechanism of action seems to be via the oligodynamic effect by inhibiting the expression of enzymes and other proteins essential to ATP or Adenosine-5' -triphosphate production. It is toxic to a number of resistant organisms such as MRSA and Tuberculosis, and has in some recent studies, even been shown to have effect against viruses such as Influenza A, the virus that causes Bird Flu in humans.
In the United States, companies which manufacture or sell Colloidal Silver Solution are prohibited by the FDA from claiming any therapeutic value of the product. It cannot be labeled as a natural antibiotic, though that is in truth what it is. The agency does allow it to be labeled and sold as a food supplement as long as no medicinal claims are made. Ongoing scientific studies are being done by many independent laboratories to validate the efficacy of this potential antimicrobial wonder and Colloidal Silver has been tested against a number of resistant and non resistant pathogens with good results. It has been approved by the EPA for use as a disinfectant in hospitals and medical clinics in the US. Silver is also used in the treatment of burns and bed sores.
Internationally however, the story is much different. Many nations have recognized and are making use of this powerful agent, this natural antibiotic, to treat any number of disease causing pathogens. Colloidal Silver solution is being used with much success in African hospitals to treat malaria, cholera, AIDS, flu, hepatitis, respiratory infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, sinus infections, food poisoning, vaginitis, staph and strep infections, thrush, burns, wounds and skin infections. This author has used it effectively, against sinus infections, periodontal infections, tooth infections, cuts and wounds.
It seems there is no end to the beneficial effects of this amazing metal. I'm reminded of the great George Washington Carver and his research on the peanut. Colloidal Silver Solution could very well be the antimicrobial wonder the world is in desperate need of as more and more of these antibiotic resistant super bugs are cropping up every day. We can only hope that American medicine will catch up with the rest of the world and begin using Colloidal Silver against these enemies of our health. If you would like to hear more about this amazing "miracle metal," this potent natural antibiotic, Take the time to view the Colloidal Silver Solution Video presentation by Keith Moeller, Vice President of American Biotech Labs and the world's foremost authority on the uses and benefits of Colloidal Silver. If you would like to share with me thoughts of your own, pro or con, feel free to contact me at I would love to discuss it with you in person.
Purchase a bottle of Colloidal Silver for yourself and experience the many benefits of this amazing Natural Antimicrobial Wonder. Are you looking for a change, a new direction in your life, professionally? Or do you just need to bring in a little extra money to help with the family budget? Whatever you are looking for, I invite you to examine this Amazing Business Opportunity in the Health and Wellness Industry and then contact me via the email address above or Click this next link to Join My Team!
The result is an increase in the number of organisms becoming resistant, some of them to more than one antibiotic. These are the so called "Superbugs." Additionally, the stronger and more powerful antibiotics used to kill these "superbugs" can have unwanted side effects in the human population. In some cases those side effects can be as harmful as the disease being treated. There is a solution to the problem that is all but ignored by modern medicine, especially in the United States. This solution is beginning to gain world wide popularity, however, especially in the holistic health and alternative medicine communities and in countries with less bureaucracy to stop the advance of natural, non drug related therapies. That solution is the use of Colloidal Silver Solution, a true natural antibiotic.
Colloidal Silver Solution is a liquid suspension of microscopic particles of silver, colliodal meaning particles which remain in suspension without forming a dissolved or ionic solution. Colloidal silver is a known powerful antimicrobial agent. Concentrations of 5 parts per million have been found to kill numerous infectious bacteria. It's mechanism of action seems to be via the oligodynamic effect by inhibiting the expression of enzymes and other proteins essential to ATP or Adenosine-5' -triphosphate production. It is toxic to a number of resistant organisms such as MRSA and Tuberculosis, and has in some recent studies, even been shown to have effect against viruses such as Influenza A, the virus that causes Bird Flu in humans.
In the United States, companies which manufacture or sell Colloidal Silver Solution are prohibited by the FDA from claiming any therapeutic value of the product. It cannot be labeled as a natural antibiotic, though that is in truth what it is. The agency does allow it to be labeled and sold as a food supplement as long as no medicinal claims are made. Ongoing scientific studies are being done by many independent laboratories to validate the efficacy of this potential antimicrobial wonder and Colloidal Silver has been tested against a number of resistant and non resistant pathogens with good results. It has been approved by the EPA for use as a disinfectant in hospitals and medical clinics in the US. Silver is also used in the treatment of burns and bed sores.
Internationally however, the story is much different. Many nations have recognized and are making use of this powerful agent, this natural antibiotic, to treat any number of disease causing pathogens. Colloidal Silver solution is being used with much success in African hospitals to treat malaria, cholera, AIDS, flu, hepatitis, respiratory infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, sinus infections, food poisoning, vaginitis, staph and strep infections, thrush, burns, wounds and skin infections. This author has used it effectively, against sinus infections, periodontal infections, tooth infections, cuts and wounds.
It seems there is no end to the beneficial effects of this amazing metal. I'm reminded of the great George Washington Carver and his research on the peanut. Colloidal Silver Solution could very well be the antimicrobial wonder the world is in desperate need of as more and more of these antibiotic resistant super bugs are cropping up every day. We can only hope that American medicine will catch up with the rest of the world and begin using Colloidal Silver against these enemies of our health. If you would like to hear more about this amazing "miracle metal," this potent natural antibiotic, Take the time to view the Colloidal Silver Solution Video presentation by Keith Moeller, Vice President of American Biotech Labs and the world's foremost authority on the uses and benefits of Colloidal Silver. If you would like to share with me thoughts of your own, pro or con, feel free to contact me at I would love to discuss it with you in person.
Purchase a bottle of Colloidal Silver for yourself and experience the many benefits of this amazing Natural Antimicrobial Wonder. Are you looking for a change, a new direction in your life, professionally? Or do you just need to bring in a little extra money to help with the family budget? Whatever you are looking for, I invite you to examine this Amazing Business Opportunity in the Health and Wellness Industry and then contact me via the email address above or Click this next link to Join My Team!
Friday, September 5, 2008
MLM Lead Generation, The Key To Survival
MLM lead generation used to be a fairly simple process. It was basically done two ways. Either you invited all your friends, family, associates, your warm market, to a meeting, showed them some products or a marketing plan or both and then invited them to join your business opportunity or you visited those same folks in their home, product in hand, asked them to try the product, presented a business opportunity and then invited them to that same meeting in method number one. Simple, right? Sure it was until you were into your second or third MLM and when those same friends, family and associates saw you coming they would run for the hills! None the less this was how it had been done since MLM began with Amway in the 1940's. Then came the Internet and online marketing and MLM lead generation was changed forever. No more terrorizing your warm market, you now had the whole internet as a recruiting ground. Problem solved, right? Well, yes and no.
The Internet is a very big and impersonal place and the process of MLM lead generation just took on some new and significant challenges, mainly, how to find people and get them to our websites to see our products or present them with a business opportunity or both. The internet is full of scams and people tend to be skeptical of MLM opportunities. So how do we get people who don't know us to trust us enough to try our products and look at our business opportunity and then get them to trust us enough to join us? If MLM lead generation is the life blood of an internet business and key to it's survival, these problems have to be solved. Of course we can always go back to that same warm market and invite them to look at our website, but we really don't want to run them off, do we?
Well, if we are not going to harass our friends, family and associates, we're left with finding ways to get total strangers to visit our site. That means buying traffic and there are basically only a couple of ways to do that. You can advertise your business, print or online, or you can buy website traffic. All the paid methods really boil down to those two options. The best ad campaigns, leads and traffic, the ones that give you quality people who are serious about finding a business opportunity, are very expensive, costing in the hundreds to the thousands of dollars. They work well, but the average MLM distributor can't afford them, at least not for long. The budget leads really aren't worth what you pay for them. And the free ads and free leads, well, you get what you pay for. They tend to produce more "tire kickers" than "car buyers." Either way, In the end you're still left with the problem of getting people who don't know you to trust you. What's the answer to this dilemma?
In my opinion, personal branding and attraction marketing have revolutionized MLM lead generation. This is the process of becoming known as a person worth listening to and worth following, a leader and mentor. You attract prospects to you rather than chasing after them. This is accomplished by adding value to the online community by joining and contributing in online MLM or home business forums, blogs and social networking sites. These communities are populated by millions of people, many of them either in or looking to be in a good business opportunity. Over time they begin to know and trust you and you will attract like minded people to your business. Article writing is another way to establish personal branding. If you write quality articles on subjects related to your business or your products and they get published in article directories, you become recognized as someone who is knowledgeable and someone who can help others become successful. This will attract people to you and your business. The great thing about attraction marketing, it doesn't cost a dime! It takes time to produce but once it starts to do so, you will never have to buy another lead again.
MLM lead generation is the life blood, the key to survival for your home based business. I suggest a two phased approach. In the beginning you will need to buy leads and traffic but this should be a short term fix. It will get you started building your business but then you need to begin the process of branding yourself and becoming an established leader and mentor to the online home business community. Once accomplished you will be off to the races and MLM lead generation will never again be a problem. You will have more leads than you can handle and they will be quality leads. If you have questions or would like to discuss personal branding, attraction marketing, or any other subject, feel free to contact me. I would be more than glad to help in any way I can.
The Internet is a very big and impersonal place and the process of MLM lead generation just took on some new and significant challenges, mainly, how to find people and get them to our websites to see our products or present them with a business opportunity or both. The internet is full of scams and people tend to be skeptical of MLM opportunities. So how do we get people who don't know us to trust us enough to try our products and look at our business opportunity and then get them to trust us enough to join us? If MLM lead generation is the life blood of an internet business and key to it's survival, these problems have to be solved. Of course we can always go back to that same warm market and invite them to look at our website, but we really don't want to run them off, do we?
Well, if we are not going to harass our friends, family and associates, we're left with finding ways to get total strangers to visit our site. That means buying traffic and there are basically only a couple of ways to do that. You can advertise your business, print or online, or you can buy website traffic. All the paid methods really boil down to those two options. The best ad campaigns, leads and traffic, the ones that give you quality people who are serious about finding a business opportunity, are very expensive, costing in the hundreds to the thousands of dollars. They work well, but the average MLM distributor can't afford them, at least not for long. The budget leads really aren't worth what you pay for them. And the free ads and free leads, well, you get what you pay for. They tend to produce more "tire kickers" than "car buyers." Either way, In the end you're still left with the problem of getting people who don't know you to trust you. What's the answer to this dilemma?
In my opinion, personal branding and attraction marketing have revolutionized MLM lead generation. This is the process of becoming known as a person worth listening to and worth following, a leader and mentor. You attract prospects to you rather than chasing after them. This is accomplished by adding value to the online community by joining and contributing in online MLM or home business forums, blogs and social networking sites. These communities are populated by millions of people, many of them either in or looking to be in a good business opportunity. Over time they begin to know and trust you and you will attract like minded people to your business. Article writing is another way to establish personal branding. If you write quality articles on subjects related to your business or your products and they get published in article directories, you become recognized as someone who is knowledgeable and someone who can help others become successful. This will attract people to you and your business. The great thing about attraction marketing, it doesn't cost a dime! It takes time to produce but once it starts to do so, you will never have to buy another lead again.
MLM lead generation is the life blood, the key to survival for your home based business. I suggest a two phased approach. In the beginning you will need to buy leads and traffic but this should be a short term fix. It will get you started building your business but then you need to begin the process of branding yourself and becoming an established leader and mentor to the online home business community. Once accomplished you will be off to the races and MLM lead generation will never again be a problem. You will have more leads than you can handle and they will be quality leads. If you have questions or would like to discuss personal branding, attraction marketing, or any other subject, feel free to contact me. I would be more than glad to help in any way I can.
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